Vasodilation vs Usual Care on Mortality and Heart Failure Rehospitalization
Among Patients With Acute Heart Failure
--------JAMA December 17, 2019 Volume 322, Number 23--------
Acute decompensated heart failure常常會有因液體累積在肺間質或肺泡間隙導致的呼吸困難(Referred to as cardiogenic pulmonary edema),常見AHF致病原因為心臟因fluid overload導致左心室dysfunction,但有時也有可能是因為高血壓或 frank volume overload 導致左心室afterlload增加。AHF容易導致器官損傷並且有很高的再住院與死亡率。
節省大家時間直接在這邊先爆雷這篇研究的結論:Among patients with AHF, a strategy of early intensive and sustained vasodilation, compared with usual care, did not significantly improve a composite outcome of all-cause mortality and AHF rehospitalization at 180 days.
實驗收錄族群必須在18歲以上且沒有懷孕的AHF病患,AHF標準則是根據New York Heart Association的定義做篩選。(見上圖)
Population部分男性共493人(占63.12%)、女性有288人(占36.88%),分別來自五個歐美地區國家,包含瑞士 保加利亞 德國 巴西 西班牙,其中以瑞士80.84%比例最高。整體病患平均年齡為78歲。
實驗共有788人進隨機分派到Early intensive and sustained vasodilation組(386人)與Usual care組(402人)。Early intensive and sustained vasodilation組386人中有lost4人,其中三位病患是因為無法獲得知情同意書,另外一位撤回同意。Usual care組402人中有一位病人無法獲得知情同意書,另兩位撤回同意。最終進入實驗的人數分別為382人與399人,這些病患進行為期180天的追蹤治療。
Patients were randomized a median of 5.0 hours (interquartile range, 3.4-7.6 hours) after presentation to the emergency department.
實驗的Primary endpoint為All-cause mortality以及Rehospitalization。
介入治療組第一天進入實驗前給予口服Nitroglycerin Streuli 0.8mg 3# 或 Corangin Nitrospray 0.4mg 6#,加上經皮吸收的Nitroderm TTS(根據病患收縮壓決定給予劑量,收縮壓大於130mmHg給60-80mg/day;收縮壓小於130mmHg給40-60mg/day),再加上Hydralazine 25mg 1# QID。
收案第六小時候DC Nitroglycerin Streuli 以及 Corangin Nitrospray,根據收縮壓決定給與Nitroderm TTS的劑量(詳細可見上表),持續給予Hydralazine 25mg 1# QID。
Diuratic部分則跟Usual care組別劑量差不多,第一天皆平均給予Furosemide 40mg。
第二天與第三天不給予Nitroglycerin Streuli 以及 Corangin Nitrospray,至於經皮吸收的Nitroderm TTS根據收縮壓調整劑量(詳細劑量調整見上圖)。
Hydralazine部份第二天持續給予1# QID,但於第三天DC。
第二天開始會加上ACEI或ARB但一次只會使用一種,上圖列出不同種類ACEI/ARB應使用的劑量,而ARB只在ACEI使用達最大劑量效果不彰或者病患對ACEI有 intolerance 時才使用。ACEI/ARB的劑量由initial dose逐日增加到Maximum dose,以Ramlpril為例,第二天給予initial dose1.25-2.5mg QD,逐日增加劑量到第六第七天時為Maximum dose10mg QD。
介入治療組第四第五天逐漸降低Nitroderm TTS的劑量,至於ACEI/ARB劑量則是逐漸增加。
第六第七天停用經皮吸收的Nitroderm TTS並持續增加ACEI/ARB劑量到Maximum dose。
實驗結果部分整題而言介入組(Early intensive and sustained vasodilation group)與Usual care Group發生Primary Outcome的比率分別為30.6%以及27.8%,HR=1.07 95%Cl=0.83-1.39,P=0.59,兩組不具顯著差異。Among patients with AHF, a strategy of early intensive and sustained vasodilation, compared with usual care, did not significantly improve a composite outcome of all-cause mortality and AHF rehospitalization at 180 days.
雖然Primary Outcome不具顯著差異,在血壓控制上可以發現兩組有些微不同,介入組因為有給予Nitrate以及Hydralazine,第二天和第三天的收縮壓與舒張壓比Usual Care Group來得低,但第一天與第三天之後的血壓兩組沒有太大的差異。
Nirtogen部分Early intensive and sustained vasodilation group一開始就大劑量投與,而Usual care組則是持續低劑量給予;Hydralazine則是只有Early intensive and sustained vasodilation group在前2-3天有給予。
利尿劑部分都是給予LOOP類利尿劑Furosemide,兩組劑量差不多;ACEI/ARB則是兩組在第二天開始給予,劑量Usual care組稍微低一點。
Subgroups分析看上圖可發現在性別部分female具有顯著差異,在Usual Group明顯優於Intervention Group,HR=1.67 95%Cl=1.08-2.59 P=0.02。
不良反應部分由於Intervention Group起始治療給予大劑量的Vasodilators所以低血壓發生率較Usual Group高。
1、為Openlabel blinded-end-point trial,比起Double-blind design相對沒有全盲來的客觀,但由於AHF是急性且高致命性的疾病,必須讓醫師掌握病患使用的藥物,故可能無法以全盲性試驗進行,但病患與醫師的主觀就有可能對實驗結果造成些微影響。
A novel design for intervention studies is presented, the so called PROBE study (Prospective Randomized Open, Blinded End-point). This design is compared to the classical double-blind design. Among the advantages of the PROBE design are lower cost and greater similarity to standard clinical practice, which should make the results more easily applicable in routine medical care. Since end-points are evaluated by a blinded end-point committee it is obvious that there should be no difference between the two types of trials in this regard.
( Prospective Randomized Open Blinded End-point (PROBE) Study. A novel design for intervention trials )
2、ENTRESTO (Sacubitral-valsartan) 2015年才被APPROVED,但此實驗進行時間為2007-2019年,故2015年之前沒有使用Entresto的病患,2015年之後部分病患有使用Entresto,Paper中沒有提到有使用Entresto的病人與沒有使用者的區別,也沒有列出Entresto每天實驗給予的劑量。
4、實驗中有33.4%具有糖尿病病史,由於糖尿病用藥SGLT-2 Inhibitor以及GLP1-RA都有可能對Cardiovascular death發生率產生影響,實驗設計只有將糖尿病病患做隨機分派,並沒有針對用藥的隨機分派,故不知道 Intervention Group 與 Usual Care Group 個別 SGLT-2 Inhibitor 與 GLP1-RA 使用者的比率。
5、Event Rate Observed in the Usual Care Group was Lower Than Assumed
6、實驗將Creatinine>250 umol/L的病人排除,但Creatinine會因為性別年齡高矮胖瘦有所影響,應該要換算成eGFR來做評估較具一致性,故在Subgroups中female在Usual group表現較佳可能有受到Creatinine篩選影響,因為以相同Creatinine 250 umole/L女性與男性比較,女性的腎功能應該是較差的,因為以正常值來看女性正常值較男性來得低。( 正常值:男0.7-1.5 mg/dl,女0.5-1.2 mg/dl )
結論:Among patients with AHF, a strategy of early intensive and sustained vasodilation, compared with usual care, did not significantly improve a composite outcome of all-cause mortality and AHF rehospitalization at 180 days.
工具: Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASE)
1、 Did the trial address a clearly focused issue? 是否提出一個明確的問題?
- P:Patients with AHF.
- I:strategy of early intensive and sustained vasodilation, using a combination of nitrates, hydralazine, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, and sacubitril-valsartan.
- C:Usual care.
- O:All-cause death or adjudicated AHF rehospitalization through day 180
2、 Was the assignment of patients to treatments randomised?
內文:For central randomization in a 1:1 ratio to a strategy emphasizing early intensive and sustained vasodilation or usual care according to current guidelines, stratification according to site and BNP or NT-proBNP concentrations was performed using static stratified block randomization schema with secuTrial dedicated data management software (interActive Systems GmbH).
3、 Were all of the patients who entered the trial properly accounted for at its conclusion? 是否所有的病患都有納入結果中分析?
由於在隨機分派時的人數介入組與一般治療組分別為386、402人,但實驗結果統計排除(1)分派後訪問時無法獲得知情同意書(介入組人數/治療組人數=3/1) (2) 同意完全撤回(介入組人數/治療組人數=1/2),固本研究應為 per-protocol analysis (PP)。
由於為PP analysis,選No。
4、 Were patients, health workers and study personnel ‘blind’ to treatment?
5、 Were the groups similar at the start of the trial. 隨機分派後的兩組病患是否具有可比性?
隨機分派後介入組與一般治療組的Baseline Clinical Characteristics and Medical History是相似的,故具有可比性,選Yes。
6、 Aside from the experimental intervention, were the groups treated equally?
內文沒有特別提及其他intervention有沒有控制相同,但基於為開放性試驗可能產生的bias,選Can't tell。
7、 How large was the treatment effect?
在Primary outcome不具有顯著差異,副作用部分治療組則是因為給予大劑量血管擴張劑,更容易產生低血壓問題。
8、 How precise was the estimate of the treatment effect?
看Methods中的Statistical Methods提到預計需要每組385名患者來達到統計學的差異,但預期有1%-2%患者lost,故所需人數為385*2*102%=785人,而最終實驗人數為788人大於預期所需人數。
再來看outcome的95%Cl寬度,一般95%CI上下值差異能小於 0.25精確度很好,如果大於 0.5就不是那麼精確(僅供參考,還是需要依照不同文獻做判斷),本實驗primary outcome HR=1.07 95%Cl=0.83-1.39,算精確。
9、 Can the results be applied to the local population, or in your context?
10、 Were all clinically important outcomes considered? 是否所有重要的臨床結果都被考量到?
11、 Are the benefits worth the harms and costs?
- Prospective Randomized Open Blinded End-point (PROBE) Study. A novel design for intervention trials - 25 Mar 1992, Accepted 29 May 1992, Published online: 08 Jul 2009
- JAMA December 17, 2019 Volume 322, Number 23
- Vasodilator therapy in acute heart failure - JAMA December 17, 2019
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- 2016 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure
心因性休克治療藥物 Management Considerations in Cardiogenic Shock
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